The Museu de Imagens do Inconsciente at the 11th Berlin Biennale 2020 - A case study on the potentials and limits to decolonization
57th International Congress of Americanists (ICA)
Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil
For an “education of the senses and emotions”
through art. A revolutionary approach to art education
in Brazil
art thinking doing art. Artistic Practices in Educational Contexts from 1900 to Today
Crianças, Loucos, Primitivos e Modernos – How virgin art shaped the emergence of abstract art in Brazilian modernism
The trouble with “primitivism”. Uses of the past in Iberian and transatlantic modernisms
Lisboa, Portugal
About the affective knowledge in the work of art and the birth of a “sensitive geometry” in Brazil during the 1940s and 1950s
Strasbourg, France
From virgin art to concrete art: early geometric abstract tendencies in Rio de Janeiro - further investigations
Berlin, Germany
An ongoing discovery: the mediation and reception of Latin American art - with a special focus on German-speaking countries
Lodz, Poland
From virgin art to concrete art: early geometric abstract tendencies in Rio de Janeiro
Transcultural Constructivism – International contexts of Swiss Konkrete Kunst
Zurich, Switzerland